Public, Free and Accessible to All – the revolutionary campaign of the Brazilian Marxists

In the wake of the mass demonstrations that swept Brazil in 2013, a campaign called Publico, Gratuito e Para Todos: Transporte, Saude, Educacao! Abaixo a Repressao! (Public, Free and For All: Transport, Health and Education! Down with Repression!) was founded by Esquerda Marxista (Marxist Left), the Brazilian section of the International Marxist Tendency. Read more…

Mexico: The largest mobilisation of polytechnic students since 1968

  Original article: The march on 30th September was an overwhelming show of force by the students at IPN (National Polytechnic Institute), we saw a public display of the potential for a fighting movement with wide participation. We, proud, polytechnic students, carried our credentials to make it clear that this struggle Read more…


The statement below, in conjunction with the #TodosSomosAyotzinapa statement, is being discussed at Marxist societies up and down the country as well as what we can do to build solidarity with the IPN movement in Mexico. ———————————————————- The Marxist Student Federation, representing students at more than 20 universities in Britain, Read more…


  The statement below is being proposed to Marxist societies up and down the country to express our solidarity with the missing Mexican students from the Ayotzinapa Teacher Training School. Marxist societies will be discussing this statement in conjunction with the #TodosSomosPolitecnio statement as well as practically how Marxist students in Britain Read more…

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