The UCLU Marxists hosted the Marxist Winter School this year, where Mexican Solidarity Campaign supporters came to speak on the Ayotzinapa movement in Mexico. Out of this came a postering campaign across our university, raising awareness over the issue among the students.

The appeal this campaign had allowed us to call for a mobilisation as part of the Marxist Student Federation bloc attending the International Day of Action on November 5th outside the Mexican Embassy. We raised the issue in our weekly meetings, inviting representatives of the campaign to update us on the latest news.

The Marxist society discussed and adopted the MSF resolution on Mexico. However, despite the urgency of the resolution, the Union Council rejected accepting it as an emergency motion. Therefore we took it to the UCLU General Assembly.

Our members took the initiative to create a pamphlet with articles covering the events in Ayotzinapa, entitled “Fue El Estado!” (It was the State!). It was well received, especially among circles in the Mexican Solidarity Campaign, who bought a number of pamphlets in advance. We raised over £100 through the pamphlet. We also resolved to donate 25% of the money raised in our Christmas party, £30 in the end, to the Mexican Solidarity Campaign as solidarity funds.

The General Assembly, unfortunately, failed to even discuss our resolution due to administrative incompetence on the part of the Union leadership.

As a result, we decided to take the initiative. We have written to the Union urging them to take executive measures immediately supporting the resolution, sending a strong solidarity message to the Mexican movement. But we also initiated a campus-wide poster campaign highlighting the need for union support, putting pressure on the Union leadership to take action.

by Stella Christou, UCLU Marxists

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