The French Revolution of May 1968

May 1968 was the greatest revolutionary general strike in history. This mighty movement took place at the height of the post-war economic upswing in capitalism. Then, as now, the bourgeois and their apologists were congratulating themselves that revolutions and class struggle were things of the past. Then came the French events of 1968, which seemed to drop like a thunderbolt from a clear blue sky. They took most of the Left completely by surprise, because, they had all written off the European working class as a revolutionary force.

In defence of ‘Permanent Revolution’

Trotsky’s fundamental work Results and Prospects, was written in 1906 after the failed Russian Revolution. The theory he laid out in this work came to be known as the Permanent Revolution. Despite being written a decade prior, it explains the course which the 1917 Revolution would take. The Permanent Revolution offers many lessons to revolutionaries today. 

Why we study the Russian Revolution

Monday marked the 105th anniversary of the October Revolution. These 10 days shook the world and spurred on proletarian movements in countries far and wide. Over a century later and the Russian Revolution one of the most distorted events in history. The international bourgeois work actively to confuse and lie about the Russian Revolution. As Marxists, we must take a more serious approach. What is the real history of the revolution and how can we replicate it today? 

Why I Fight – For revolutionary optimism, not reformist pessimism

The development of class consciousness is of prime interest to Marxists. The working class runs society, as Ted Grant said “not a wheel turns, not a lightbulb shines without the kind permission of the working class”. Despite this fact, the leadership of the left fails to see the development of class consciousness in the working class. This leads to demoralisation and pessimism. On the other hand, Marxists have complete optimism; not in the idea that capitalism can change, but that the working class can overthrow this decrepit system.

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