ayotzinapaThis motion of solidarity with the protests over the 43 disappeared student teachers of Ayotzinapa Teaching School was proposed on 14th December at the AGM of London Young Labour by members of the Marxist Student Federation, as part of our ongoing campaign in solidarity with the disappeared students and the struggle of those looking for justice and a solution to the corruption and brutality of the Mexican state. This motion passed by a large majority. Now, the regional youth body of the Labour Party in London officially supports the struggle of protesters in Mexico; will be raising awareness among its membership; urging national bodies of the party to follow suit; and looking at forging links with the labour movement in Mexico through affiliated trade unions.


This conference believes that London Young Labour must stand firmly in support of the protests against the disappearance of 43 students of Ayotzinapa Teaching School on the 26th of September 2014.

Clearly the students were abducted by the police and handed to criminal cartel organisations.

This incident has sparked nationwide protests against the corruption of the Mexican government, privatisation and lack of funding in education.

The struggle of the IPN students and work of the Rural Teachers are inspirations for the labour and student movement worldwide, including in London, which has already seen large solidarity demonstrations for Ayotzinapa.

“The Year of the UK in Mexico”, which will involve London-based firms directly in the privatisation of Mexican public services, will further undo the gains of the Mexican Revolution.

Clearly there is no distinction between big business, the state and cartel organisations in the aiding and abetting of disappearances.

London Young Labour mandates the committee to do the following as soon as possible:

  • Issue a statement that explains the ‘motivating factors’ of this motion to all members of London Young Labour;
  • Forward this resolution to the Young Labour National Committee and the Labour NEC, and to urge these bodies to take a decisive stance in support of the students and all those joining the struggle in Mexico to fight for a better world;
  • Urge the Young Labour National Committee, Labour NEC and affiliated trade union branches in London to seek out the practicalities of affiliation and forging links with the IPN and Democratic Teachers Union in Mexico.
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