ipn-struggleThe statement below, in conjunction with the #TodosSomosAyotzinapa statement, is being discussed at Marxist societies up and down the country as well as what we can do to build solidarity with the IPN movement in Mexico.


The Marxist Student Federation, representing students at more than 20 universities in Britain, expresses its solidarity with the struggle of the Instituto Politecnico Nacional students in Mexico. The IPN students have been on strike for over 3 weeks now demanding an end to repression, better quality of education and an increase in state spending on education.

Through the CLEP organisation we have heard about the massive marches involving tens of thousands of students which are a testimony to the widespread character of the movement which has also received support from students at other universities and from groups of workers and the population in general.

The struggle to defend state education against cuts and to demand that education be of high quality and free of charge is something we understand and identify with. The struggle of the IPN students is an inspiration to us here in Britain, suffering from constant austerity, cuts and even rising tuition fees.

We send our greetings to the Polytechnic students, to its General Assembly and particularly to the comrades of CLEP-CEDEP. We commit ourselves to follow your struggle closely and particularly to oppose any attempt of the authorities to use repression against the movement in general and its spokespersons in particular.

Forward to victory. The struggle pays. International Solidarity.


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