Solidarity with the Antifascist Resistance in Ukraine

  LONDON MEETING FOR THE ANTIFASCIST SOLIDARITY CAMPAIGN: The Marxist Student Federation expresses its solidarity with the anti-fascist resistance in Ukraine. In the last few months the Kiev authorities have been incorporating neo-nazi paramilitary groups into the state apparatus. These paramilitary groups are the government’s answer to the fact Read more…

Hands Off Venezuela!

The motion below was passed by the Marxist Student Federation conference on 15th February 2014. Marxist Students stand in solidarity with the Bolivarian revolution and the people of Venezuela. We express solidarity with those fighting against the economic war and the violence of the counter-revolutionary opposition. For more information on the events in Read more…

Book Review: Partition

Partition is an analysis of Indian history written by Pakistani Marxist and member of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT), Lal Khan. The title of the book refers to the partition of the Indian subcontinent into a handful of different countries. This analysis begins with a brief overview of Britain’s conquest Read more…

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