Greece: No Surrender

  On Thursday, 26th February, the UCLU Marxists held a public meeting to discuss the recent political situation in Greece. Titled “Greece: No Surrender,” the discussion featured a lead-off by Fred Weston, the editor of The lead-off focused on the recent election of Syriza to power and what this might Read more…

Solidarność z Polskimi Górnikami

  English version here To jest odpowiedź w imieniu Federacji Studentów Marksistowskich na atak przeprowadzony przez państwo Polskie przeciwko protestującym pracownikom w Jastrzębiu w dniach 2. i 9. lutego, gdzie użyto przeciwko bezbronnym demonstrantom gazu łzawiącego, armatek wodnych i gumowej amunicji raniąc dwadzieścia osób. Jako międzynarodowy ruch robotniczy, który głęboko Read more…

Patriotism and Socialism

  The article below was written over 120 years ago by the French Workers’ Party and deals with the question of internationalism in the workers’ movement. ————————————- In their senseless rage against the rising popularity of the Wokers’ Party, our class enemies have one last card to play: slander. They are trying to Read more…

“French universities are hotbeds of Marxism”!

  Below is a report from the French newspaper Revolution detailing the work of Marxists in France in spreading the ideas of Marxism among students across the country.  —————————————— Since the beginning of the academic year in September 2014, Revolution has set itself the task of developing its presence on the university campuses. Read more…

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