Why I Fight – For revolutionary optimism, not reformist pessimism

The development of class consciousness is of prime interest to Marxists. The working class runs society, as Ted Grant said “not a wheel turns, not a lightbulb shines without the kind permission of the working class”. Despite this fact, the leadership of the left fails to see the development of class consciousness in the working class. This leads to demoralisation and pessimism. On the other hand, Marxists have complete optimism; not in the idea that capitalism can change, but that the working class can overthrow this decrepit system.

Week 4/4 #CommunismOnCampus

We have now hit every freshers’ fair we could, spoken to thousands of people about the ideas of Marxism and shown them how to fight against capitalism. This has been a highly inspiring period for us. We have seen the thirst for communist ideas which exists amongst students. 

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