We have now hit every freshers’ fair we could, spoken to thousands of people about the ideas of Marxism and shown them how to fight against capitalism. This has been a highly inspiring period for us. We have seen the thirst for communist ideas which exists amongst students.

3,750 people signed up to the Marxist Societies across the country, this shows the growing anger at capitalism and people searching for answers. Around 1,000 people attended a meeting on ‘Why We Are Communists’.

Noticeably, students were very interested in buying the Marxist literature we have on offer. Around £1200 of material was sold nationally. This shows a level of seriousness to understanding Marxism that is clearly the product of the crisis of capitalism ensuing around us.

Last week, we attended freshers’ fairs in Cambridge University, Oxford University, Imperial College London, and Lancaster University gaining over 500 sign ups in this one week. We also held ‘Why we are Communists’ meetings in Loughborough, Cardiff, York, Greenwich, SOAS, UCL, Cambridge, Durham and Imperial, attracting around 250 people to these meetings. We also held a whole host of other meetings this week on topics such as ‘Why capitalism goes into crisis’, ‘Profit vs Peace: War and Imperialism’ and ‘Why we need a revolutionary philosophy’.

We are still looking forward to ‘Why We Are Communists’ meetings in Lancaster and Oxford. We have been excited to see the enthusiasm for Marxist ideas which exists amongst this generation of students and are looking forward to carrying on our work over the University term, showing in both theory and practice how to fight for communism.

A stand out event of the week has been the Lenin Walk! Comrades in North and Central London got together to look around London at different historically relevant places which Lenin spent time in.

Here are some posts from our comrades who have been at work across the country last week!

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