“Capital is an international force. To vanquish it, an international workers’ alliance, an international brotherhood, is needed. We are opposed to national enmity and discord, to national exclusiveness. We are internationalists.”
– Lenin (Letter to the Workers and Peasants of the Ukraine, 1919)

On Saturday 14 February delegates from all over Britain will be joined in London by international visitors for the 2nd Marxist Student Federation conference at SOAS.

The theme of this year’s conference is internationalism. We are living through the early stages of the most turbulent period in world history. Global capitalism is in crisis and struggles of workers and youth are breaking out in one country after another. There is a lot we can learn from these struggles about how to do our work as Marxists in Britain, and there is a lot we can do to help strengthen the forces of Marxism internationally.

As the general election approaches in Britain, anti-immigration rhetoric is being ramped up by political parties and the media. International working class solidarity is more important than ever – Marxists point out that capitalism, not immigration, causes unemployment and scarcity, and that only an international movement can overthrow the international bourgeoisie.

A provisional rough agenda is below, with more details to follow. If you would like to attend the conference please register using the form below. Everyone is welcome to join the MSF for just £3 which will give you the right to attend the conference. Get in touch with your local Marxist society or contact@marxiststudent.com for more details.

As part of the MSF’s drive to strengthen our links with international organisations we are raising money to fund the production of pamphlets and an expanded MSF magazine to include more international material. We also hope to provide funds for international visitors to attend future MSF events, and to send MSF delegations to events abroad. Every donation makes a big difference so please give what you can to strengthening the forces of international Marxism.

Conference Agenda

Djam Lecture Theatre, SOAS main building

10:30 – 13:00
World crisis and international struggle
(Including reports from Italy, Spain, Greece, Mexico, Brazil and many others)
Djam Lecture Theatre, SOAS main building

14:00 – 16:00
Perspectives and policy of Marxist students in Britain
(Including reports from the Blacklist Support Group, UCL UNISON and the Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign)
Djam Lecture Theatre, SOAS main building

Organisational reports from Marxist societies around Britain
Djam Lecture Theatre, SOAS main building

Join the revolutionary party! (Social)
L67, SOAS main building

Register here for the conference

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