Rachel from the Glasgow Marxists reports on the freshers’ fair and the society’s first meeting of the term:


“First day of Glasgow freshers’ fair today! We had 7 society members manning the stalls. In total we signed up around 100 people who are interested in the society.  We also sold £12 of Marxist literature throughout the day. All in all a good day and I think we have every opportunity for building the society rapidly in the next couple of weeks!

“We had our first meeting on Thursday. 30 people attended the meeting and around 15-20 came on the Red Clydeside pub crawl beforehand (biggest crawl we’ve ever had!). There were also a number of people who couldn’t attend but were very interested, hopefully this will give us even bigger meetings in the future. It’s going to be a great year for the Glasgow Marxists!”

Glasgow meeting

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