UNSION left victory – Time to transform the union into a fighting weapon

The equivalent of a nuclear bomb has just exploded in the labour and trade union movement. Unison, the biggest union in the country, and a bastion of the old right wing, has shifted dramatically to the left. The right have held a firm grip over the union for more than 20 years – ever since its formation in reality. But now the left have won an overwhelming majority in the elections for the NEC, with over 40 left-wingers elected to the union’s leading body. 

Lessons of the Lancaster Rent Strike

The Lancaster rent strike emerged during the national student movement against universities and landlords during the COVID-19 pandemic. From Newcastle to Bristol thousands of students withheld their rent, and Lancaster was a shining example of this, winning a significant victory for students. The student rent-strike began in January 2021. 1,500 Read more…

UPDATE: Stand with Pimlico Academy Students

This is not a case of a rogue headmaster, this is clearly another neat example of hostility towards people fighting against oppression and exploitation. All rights have been won in struggle, the very struggle which is being clamped down on. This is not a choice anymore, we all must fight back against the decrepit system. Join the Marxist Student Federation to fight back!

Rape culture in schools: The product of a sick system

Women will never be viewed as equals within a society built upon inequality and injustice. Neither women nor men will ever have control over their lives and bodies within an economy based on exploitation, profit, and competition, and commodification. And we will never rid the world of misogyny, as long as the capitalist class are in control, using sexism and bigotry to divide the working class.

COVID clampdowns: Defend civil liberties!

Capitalist states are thus arming themselves with greater coercive powers and undermining the right to organise in advance. Without a working-class fightback, any curtailment of democratic rights introduced with the excuse of the pandemic will be made permanent and used to stifle the ability of workers and youth, and their organisations to organise and fight.

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