NUS leaders fail to support free education demo

  Today (Nov 19th) there will be a demonstration by students in central London for free education. Marxist students wholeheartedly support this demonstration and will be participating in it energetically. The NUS leadership on the other hand has exposed its inability to be on the side of students. Austerity measures, £9000 in tuition fees, and cuts on university staff are having a huge impact on access to and quality of higher education. Regardless of Read more…

Sheffield College Trainee Teachers in Solidarity with Ayotzinapa

  The motion below was passed by trainee teachers at Sheffield College in solidarity with the disappeared students in Mexico and in solidarity with the struggle of those demanding justice for the crimes of the Mexican state. —————————————————– Sheffield College Trainee Teachers Note: Mexico is in the middle of a humanitarian crisis; since 2006, at least 22,000 people have disappeared and in roughly 40% of these cases there was no criminal investigation. One Read more…

Unpaid internships and the hypocrisy of capitalism

  According to research conducted by the Sutton Trust, an educational charity based in the UK, almost a third of University graduate interns are being forced to work without pay, as a means of ‘getting their foot in the door’ of their respective careers. Recent figures, released by the Sutton Trust, indicate that of the 70,000 interns in the UK, as many as 15,000 of them do not receive a salary! The Read more…

We need revolutionary change to stop climate change

This week sees the return of the NUS’ ‘Blackout’ initiative, encouraging students across different universities to take part in an attempt to reduce energy wastage. The event consists of students assembling on campuses to switch off any lighting and equipment left on over the weekend. While the scheme is no doubt well intentioned, it should be stressed that the impact made by ordinary individuals in attempting to combat the effects of climate Read more…

To fight for peace is to struggle for socialism

For a while now I’ve held a lot of reservations about the Poppy Appeal and have been dissatisfied with Remembrance Day. The fact that something is ostensibly a good cause doesn’t exempt it from responsibilities of a political and historical nature. So, Comic Relief can seriously be accused of racism and pandering to nationalism – and similarly the Poppy Appeal has completely capitulated to militarism. That we all want to contribute to Read more…

Resolution in Solidarity with the Mexican Students in Struggle

You can read here the resolution put together by Marxist students in Solidarity with the Mexican Students in Struggle, in the Instituto Politécnico Nacional and in Ayotzinapa. To be put forward to Student Unions of respective Universities by Marxist Societies and others in Solidarity with the Mexican Students.  The Students’ Union Notes: Mexico is in the middle of a humanitarian crisis; since 2006, at least 22,000 people have disappeared [1] and in roughly 40% of these Read more…

Red Ed elected at Sheffield Hallam

  Marxist student Ed Taylor has been elected as NUS delegate from Sheffield Hallam university. Ed’s manifesto, published below, demands socialist policies for the student movement. We can be confident that the ideas of Marxism will be fought for at the NUS conference this year. ——————————————————— Vote the real Red Ed for a socialist union! WHAT EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS I BRING TO THE ROLE I am a politically active student, being a member of the Read more…

Marxist students support the marking boycott

  Today (6 November 2014) is the beginning of an indefinite marking boycott by UCU members in a dispute over pensions. This action will be taking place in 69 universities around Britain. Marxist students support this boycott because the changes will mean a cut in the annual pension income of some staff of 27%. Education is a vital part of society and those who provide it should be paid fairly for their Read more…

The fight for free education: reform or revolution?

Education is the cornerstone of economic and social development. This is why Marxists argue in favour of free, decent education for everyone – so that individuals and society as a whole can maximise the potential for improving our lives through innovation, efficiency and imagination. Education under capitalism In a period of capitalist upswing, like that of the post-war boom, capitalism can afford to grant reforms such as free education. In fact during Read more…

International day of action for Ayotzinapa

  The undersigned organisations join in the call by students from the Rural Normal of Ayotzinapa and the National People’s Assembly for a day of action on October 22 and we extend internationally. We appeal for the organisation of protest actions at Mexican embassies and consulates around the world that day. – Taken alive, we want them alive! – Live appearance of the 43 students kidnapped by the state – Trial and Read more…

Workers and students unite and fight: Marxist students on the TUC demo

  With banners, fists and voices raised high, the Marxist Student Federation rallied the largest number of student Marxists yet to join our voices with those of increasingly disgruntled workers at the national TUC demonstration ‘Britain Needs a Pay Rise’ this weekend.  With students present from Leeds to Sussex, from Sheffield to Southampton as well as a strong presence from London and elsewhere, there was a sea of new revolutionary faces that Read more…

Mexico: The largest mobilisation of polytechnic students since 1968

  Original article: The march on 30th September was an overwhelming show of force by the students at IPN (National Polytechnic Institute), we saw a public display of the potential for a fighting movement with wide participation. We, proud, polytechnic students, carried our credentials to make it clear that this struggle is really being fuelled by the public itself. All of the IPN schools in the metropolitan province are on strike including some Read more…

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