10440166_1637602206466126_3985149266154964912_nMarxist student Ed Taylor has been elected as NUS delegate from Sheffield Hallam university. Ed’s manifesto, published below, demands socialist policies for the student movement. We can be confident that the ideas of Marxism will be fought for at the NUS conference this year.


Vote the real Red Ed for a socialist union!

I am a politically active student, being a member of the Marxist Student Federation as well as a supporter of Socialist Appeal. My work in this field means I am practised with public speaking, having given talks at various societies and political meetings around the country. I am not shy about arguing a case and making sure my views are heard. I’m currently in my second year at Sheffield Hallam, and like many of my fellow students I feel uneasy about the future. With fees reaching unprecedented levels, student debt getting out of control, vanishing contact time and the very real threat of more unemployment to greet us at the end, it is hard not to worry. As a Marxist and as someone who understands the uncertainty students live with today, I am prepared to fight for a socialist programme within the NUS to tackle the growing crisis of capitalism and to struggle for a real future for students.

I will fight to make the NUS an organisation that fights for the rights of students, opposing all cuts to education and actively campaign for free education for all. I will campaign for a programme of massive investment into education, expanding student services so that university education is open to everyone. I will argue for the introduction of a living grant for students. I will drive for the abolition of student debt and against the student debt sell-off. I oppose the high-pay received by management whilst lecturers and technical staff suffer a real terms pay cut of 13% and for a living wage for ALL staff. I will push for the NUS to campaign for the nationalisation of the banking system and major monopolies under democratic workers control so that we can use their vast resources to invest in public services. I will make the case for the NUS to link up with the Labour movement and campaign within it for socialist policies. For a fighting NUS!

What does representation mean to you?
Representation to me means giving a voice to those students who feel frustrated with their situation and society as a whole, but don’t feel that they can do anything about it. I want to address these feelings amongst students by campaigning for a fighting NUS that can engage with these students act as a real force for change in society.

What would you see as the main priority if you were elected?
Campaigning for a clear and consistent socialist programme for the NUS

I am the best candidate because…….
I believe students can help radically change society and I will fight for that change within the NUS

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