UCLU General Assembly: Can the problems that the UCLU is facing be addressed by a meeting or is the problem deeper?

  The last General Assembly that was held before the christmas break was attended by almost 600 students, one of the biggest attendances for years for such an event. The biggest question concerning those participating was the merging of some sabbatical officers’ positions such as the women’s officer and the LGBT+ officer. The atmosphere was intense and emotional for most students, many were angry and there was a clear difference between the Read more…

Public, Free and Accessible to All – the revolutionary campaign of the Brazilian Marxists

In the wake of the mass demonstrations that swept Brazil in 2013, a campaign called Publico, Gratuito e Para Todos: Transporte, Saude, Educacao! Abaixo a Repressao! (Public, Free and For All: Transport, Health and Education! Down with Repression!) was founded by Esquerda Marxista (Marxist Left), the Brazilian section of the International Marxist Tendency. From 15 to 18 January the campaign held its first revolutionary camp in the occupied Flasko factory just outside Sao Paulo. Two Read more…

Workers of the World Unite! – MSF conference 2015

  “Capital is an international force. To vanquish it, an international workers’ alliance, an international brotherhood, is needed. We are opposed to national enmity and discord, to national exclusiveness. We are internationalists.” – Lenin (Letter to the Workers and Peasants of the Ukraine, 1919) On Saturday 14 February delegates from all over Britain will be joined in London by international visitors for the 2nd Marxist Student Federation conference at SOAS. The theme of Read more…

UCLU Marxists in solidarity with the struggle in Mexico

  The UCLU Marxists hosted the Marxist Winter School this year, where Mexican Solidarity Campaign supporters came to speak on the Ayotzinapa movement in Mexico. Out of this came a postering campaign across our university, raising awareness over the issue among the students. The appeal this campaign had allowed us to call for a mobilisation as part of the Marxist Student Federation bloc attending the International Day of Action on November 5th Read more…

London Young Labour in solidarity with Ayotzinapa

  This motion of solidarity with the protests over the 43 disappeared student teachers of Ayotzinapa Teaching School was proposed on 14th December at the AGM of London Young Labour by members of the Marxist Student Federation, as part of our ongoing campaign in solidarity with the disappeared students and the struggle of those looking for justice and a solution to the corruption and brutality of the Mexican state. This motion passed by a large majority. Now, the Read more…

Class Struggle and the Role of Marxist Students in 2015

  Below is the document that is guiding the work of the MSF in 2015. It was discussed, amended and passed by the MSF conference in February 2015. ——————————————————- The last six years have been the beginning of the most turbulent period in human history. On a global scale we have entered into a period of secular stagnation thanks to the global capitalist crisis of overproduction. This requires attacks on the working class Read more…

You can’t have capitalism without racism – solidarity with Michael Brown and Eric Garner

  The murders of Michael Brown and Eric Garner have reverberated loudly worldwide. From New York to Palestine to Mexico, young people are fed up with this racist system that sanctions the death penalty for stealing a piece of candy, and are connecting their struggle across borders. In London, too, thousands of young people have taken to the streets in solidarity. There are commenters that seem to wonder why two deaths in Read more…

Justice for Blacklisted workers!

In February 2009 a raid by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) exposed the existence of a blacklist containing the personal details of 3,213 people, largely construction workers. This blacklist had operated as the ‘Consulting Association’ from 1993 and had been used by over 40 UK construction companies to deny work to anyone they considered a “troublemaker”. In many cases workers had been systematically denied work for as long as decades, often simply Read more…

Queen Margaret University UCU solidarity with Mexico

  The resolution below was recently passed in the UCU branch of QMU. It took a bit of toing and froing between committee members but it struck quite a chord not only with shop stewards but also rank and file members. Its particularly relevant with UCU being a union for a trade dealing specifically with students and its sister union in Mexico being on strike on Monday 1st Dec. Most universities will have Read more…

France: Increasing privatisation of Higher Education

  The article below has been submitted to the Marxist Student Federation by two student activists at the Political Science University in Bordeaux. It details the increasing privatisation taking place at the university and the limited nature of the movement that has taken place against it thus far. The authors point out that simple denunciations of what is taking place are not sufficient – it’s necessary to understand the deeper economic processes that create Read more…

Marxist student solidarity with Mexico

  On September 26, a bus carrying students from the Normal Rural de Ayotzinapa Teacher Training School was stopped by the local police in Iguala, Guerrero. Without prior warning the police opened fire killing six students on the spot. The police, with the collaboration of notorious drug gang Guerreros Unidos then kidnapped the remaining students. It is now seven weeks since the police attacked the students. The brutal incident acted as the proverbial last straw, Read more…

Thousands of students protest against fees: fighting leadership needed!

  On Wednesday 19th November, thousands of students took to the streets in London to protest extortionate tuition fee rises, to demand free education for students in the UK, and to show solidarity with students everywhere who want a fairer society. Marxist students from across the country were present on the demonstration, gathered together on the Marxist Student Federation bloc. Anger against an out-of-touch elite A passionate crowd of students from all Read more…

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