London Met strikes back: interview with Christina Paine, UCU branch secretary

    Staff at London Metropolitan university have been on strike over the appalling attacks on education being carried out by university management. I interviewed the local branch secretary of the University and College Union (UCU) on the picket line. So, what do you do at the university? I teach music technology, primarily on a musical instrument making course which has run for about 150 years down on Commercial Road. The course Read more…

Solidarity with exploited student nurses! Bursary or Bust campaigner says: ‘we’re not done yet.’

  Revolution, the youth paper of the International Marxist Tendency, met up with a representative of the Bursary or Bust campaign to discuss the terrible conditions faced by student nurses in Britain, who have lost their NHS bursary to Tory austerity measures. With this financial lifeline cut and further junior doctors’ strikes called off, the future seems bleak for British medical workers, but radicalised trainee nurses and allied health professionals vow to keep fighting. Read more…

The Federation is growing – join the Marxists!

The academic year is now well underway and the Marxist Student Federation has had its most successful freshers weeks to date. There are now Marxist groups in over 30 schools, colleges and universities, meeting regularly to discuss Marxist ideas and their relevance to today.  Below are a selection of reports from some of the most recent freshers fairs.   Cambridge This year’s Cambridge University Freshers’ Fair was extremely successful, with the stall having an Read more…

REVOLUTION! – a three day festival of Marxist ideas

The Marxist Student Federation, Socialist Appeal and the International Marxist Tendency invite you to REVOLUTION! – a three day festival of Marxist ideas. Across the world, it is clear that the status quo has failed and the system has broken: from the refugee crisis to the earthquake of Brexit; from the ever-growing inequality in society to the civil war inside the Labour Party; and from the rise of Trump in the USA to the Read more…

Justice for Raven Morrello: charges dropped

Several weeks ago we joined the campaign demanding justice for Raven Morrello, the deliveroo cyclist who was attacked by police in Manchester. We’re delighted that all the charged against Raven have been dropped. Here is a message from the organiser of the campaign: Raven won! All charges dropped! On behalf of Raven I would like to thank everyone who signed this petition, sent messages of support and generally raised awareness of his Read more…

Youth and the fight for socialism

  It becomes increasingly clear that capitalism is not and never will provide a future for young people today. Many young people find themselves bearing the brunt of attacks from the ruling class on the rights of workers and their families. People aged 16 – 24 are three times more likely to be unemployed than the vast majority of the population and are also paid much less on average. This is made Read more…

Revolutionary round-up of last week’s freshers fairs

Marxist students have been hard at work all over the country signing people up to Marxist societies at the university freshers fairs. Here are a few reports of what we’ve been up to. Manchester The Manchester ‘Welcome Fair’ was very successful for the MarxSoc. Over 200 signed up to the mailing list and sold about 20 Revolution newspapers over the 2 days. Four of us from the society helped out on the stall. Read more…

Join the new Marxist society at UWE

At UWE last week we managed to sign up over 100 people, run out of the 600 leaflets we’d printed, and sell out of the 30+ Revolution papers we had. There was loads of enthusiasm about the prospect of this new society, and people were really excited about the mix of theory and campaigning that we offered, plus the fact that we are part of a national presence with the MSF. A small Read more…

Queen Margaret Marxists make a splash

Really good response to our freshers fair stall at Queen Margaret University. 17 gave details to find out more (including two from SNP Students!). We have a meeting on Thursday introducing students to Marxism. Our aim is soon to get 10 people to sign up and 3 people to be officers to start up a society which would be a fantastic step forward. A Marxist society could help the university’s trade unions Read more…

Students and Pizza Hut/Domino’s workers unite at Napier freshers fair

Many students at Edinburgh Napier freshers fair showed an interest in the ideas of Marxism yesterday. Ideas such as a National Education Service, free education, a living rent and price controls on food, beer, cider, spirits, toiletries and a fight for a socialist future the students need and deserve, all clearly gained an ear with everyone there. Domino’s and Pizza Hut promoters were competing with each other. We called for the “nationalisation Read more…

Marxism hatches at Heriot Watt University

We had our first Freshers activity today at Heriot Watt University, a campus uni on the outskirts of Edinburgh. The Fair was on from 12-4. Two comrades turned up just before 12 and set up the stall on the grass outside. We were approaching students asking if they “want to turn the world upside down?” And if they’re “interested in revolutionary Marxism?” We handed out probably abut 50 leaflets and we sold 3 Read more…

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