The previous week of #CommunismOnCampus has been huge for us! We intervened in 19 freshers’ fairs. From Durham to Southampton and Loughborough to Manchester Metropolitan, we signed up hundreds of students to the Marxist Societies.

Over all, we have signed up nearly 3,200 people who want to fight capitalism! Last week we also held 25 ‘Why we are Communists’ meetings as well as one meeting on ‘War and Imperialism: Profit Vs Peace’ at the University of Manchester and one meeting on ‘Why we need a Revolution’ at Hull University.

On Thursday evening alone, we held 14 meetings across the country. Hundreds of radicalised students learnt and discussed the ideas of Marxism.

For Freshers’ Fairs, we were present at Leeds University, Nottingham University, Manchester Metropolitan University, Lincoln University, Sheffield Hallam, De Montfort University, Leicester University, Durham University, Greenwich University, Norwich University of Arts, Warwick University, Cardiff University, City – University of London, Southampton University, SOAS, University College London, York University and Loughborough University, Cumbria University.

Meetings on ‘Why we are Communists’ were held in Falmouth University, King’s College London, Reading University, Birmingham University, Sheffield Hallam, Bristol University, De Montfort University, Goldsmiths University, Manchester Metropolitan University, Newcastle University, Sussex University, University of East London, Westminster University, City – University of London, Kent University, Leeds University, London Metropolitan University, London School of Economics, Liverpool University, Nottingham University, Norwich University of Arts, Queen Mary University, Southampton University, University of Arts London and Warwick University.

At Greenwich, our comrades had T-Shirts to help them stand out!

Comrades at Newcastle had around 20 attendees to their meeting. At the start of the meeting, the speaker asked ‘who here is already a communist’ and everyone in the room put their hand up. This shows the growing interest in revolutionary ideas!

At Southampton 50 people attended the meeting!

At Manchester Metropolitan, Goldsmiths and LSE there were also around 20 people in each room. In Leeds around 40 people attended the first meeting!

At York University, we signed up another 85 people!

At Sussex, another 30 in attendance!

Sadly, we cannot fit pictures and reports from every meeting! If you would like to see more then take a look at our live blog.


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