On Thursday 26 May, the Liverpool Marxist Society had the latest in our series of monthly meetings at The Casa. The topic of the discussion, seasonally themed, was May ’68 – a French uprising sparked by students and resulting in huge general strikes of a militant working class. Our meeting had a strong turnout of 18 people, including many new faces.

The meeting began with an overview of May ’68 and what we can learn from it. The role of the police in enforcing the status quo, the role of students in radicalism and the role of the working class in revolution were key themes. This led to discussions about trade unionism, the need for political leadership and the reasons why revolution is necessary – such as the inability of capitalism to handle the climate crisis.

After the event, we stayed in the pub for drinks with further discussions on the topic and about Marxism in general. The atmosphere was lively and positive, and a majority of us stayed till around closing time! We are looking forward to our next meeting, on Rosa Luxemburg, on 23 June.

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