The Marxist Student Federation had a smashing week at last week’s freshers fairs. This was our biggest freshers mobilisation yet, with Marxist Societies present at 25 universities across the country collecting over 1700 sign-ups!

We were present at Leeds Beckett, Newcastle, Hull, Portsmouth, Suffolk Uni, UEA, KCL, Birmingham, Falmouth, Sheffield, Reading, Sussex, UEL, Manchester Uni, Westminster, LSE, Nottingham, Queen Mary, Bristol, Kent, Liverpool, London Met, Oxford Brookes, Surrey and Goldsmiths.

Everywhere we received a great amount of enthusiasm about our Marxist Societies – and specifically the wealth of material we have to offer. In one case, our comrades completely sold out of papers, magazines, and pamphlets! Many students said that we were exactly what they were looking for!

In Newcastle, over 20 people attended the Meet the Marxists event that we organised directly after the fair, and raised over £110 pounds in donations to Socialist Appeal! This will help towards our ongoing campaign to buy an office for the International Marxist Tendency.

KCL Marxists had a particularly great success, managing to sign over 200 people up to the Marxist Society. We had interesting political conversations with many of them, and everyone who signed up completely agreed that we need to bring about radical change in society.

Birmingham and Manchester, there were similar responses as well. We collected 140 sign-ups in Birmingham and 130 in Manchester. Such was the scale of our intervention at Birmingham University that we had comrades signing students up at three separate stalls across the campus!

At all of our freshers’ fair stalls, we had posters for the Revolution Festival – an upcoming weekend event of Marxist ideas – pinned up everywhere, and we received a lot of interest in it. Marxist Societies from across the country will be heading to London for this one-of-a-kind event this October.

At this year’s freshers fairs, there was a tangible shift in the consciousness and political level of the students we spoke to. This is clearly evidenced by our successes. One student at LSE told us “your group seems to be the most serious about revolution and I’m glad to see it”. 

Many students are choosing to spend their time on political education over other events during the freshers’ period, The hunger for genuine Marxist theory is there – and we are here to provide it.

For our third week, we will present at another 17 universities! We will be at Leeds, Nottingham, MMU, Lincoln, Sheffield Hallam, DMU, Durham, Greenwich, NUA, Warwick, Cardiff, City, Southampton, SOAS, UCL, York and Loughborough.

#CommunismOnCampus is going from strength to strength, and we are very excited to continue building the forces of Marxism here in Britain and internationally, alongside our comrades in the IMT!

If you want to join us in this fight, get involved in your Marxist Society today!

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