A terrible deal has been struck between the UCU leadership and university bosses which, if accepted, would mean a massive cut to staff pensions. UCU members all over the country are rejecting the deal. Dozens of UCU branches and student occupations have rejected the deal. For a full analysis of the deal see here.

A huge rally against the deal was organised outside UCU’s HQ this morning. Pickets from all over London marched on their union’s HQ to demand an explanation for why the union leadership is suggesting accepting such a bad deal for its members.

Joe Attard of the KCL Marxist society and KCL UCU executive addressed the demo demanding that the deal be rejected, there be no cuts to pensions, and for a public sector general strike to bring down the Tories.

Sally Hunt, general secretary of the UCU addressed the rally, but was heckled and shouted down. This seems to be a historic moment for the UCU as the rotten deal being negotiated by the leadership is exposing them to the fury of the rank-and-file union members.

Marxist students have been and will continue to be on the picket lines and in occupations, and we are firmly opposed to this toxic deal. Last night an occupation was launched by activists in Cambridge, including several members of the Marxist society. This morning they released this statement:

We say:

  • Reject the deal!
  • No cuts to pensions!
  • Staff and students to run universities – not overpaid management bureaucrats!
  • Spread the strike action and bring down the government!


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