
The world economy is on the verge of another deep slump, with China now joining the global crisis of capitalism; the crisis in Europe continues, with Greece in political turmoil and an unprecedented number of refugees coming to Europe in the hope of escaping war and poverty; and Britain has seen a series of political earthquakes over the past year, with the rise of the SNP in Scotland and the inspiring #JezWeCan movement around Jeremy Corbyn.

In such turbulent times, a clear set of revolutionary ideas is needed in order to understand the world – and, more importantly, to change it. The ideas of Marxism, therefore, have never been more vital and necessary.

Socialist Appeal and the International Marxist Tendency invite you to a weekend of revolutionary ideas, hosted by the Marxist Student Federation in London over the weekend of 23-25th October.

Contact to book your place!

Tickets available through Eventbrite or through PayPal here



Friday 23rd October

2pm – Lenin walk: guided tour of London’s Bolshevik history (meet outside London Kings Cross on Euston Road – look out for the big red flag!)

6pm – Film showing: ‘October – Ten Days that Shook the World’ by Sergei Eisenstein (with an introduction by Alan Woods, author of “Bolshevism: the Road to Revolution”)

9pm – The Revolution Party (social)

Saturday 24th October

10-11am – Registration

11am – Crime, corruption, and capitalism: the crisis of the bourgeois state
11am – Capital and crisis: why Marx was right

2pm – One year after the referendum: where next for Scotland?
2pm – The European Crisis: past, present, and future

4:30pm – Defend Corbyn! Fight for Socialism! (with Matt Wrack, General Secretary of the Fire Brigades Union, and Steve Hedley, Senior Assistant General Secretary of the RMT)

7.30pm – Join the Party! (social)

Sunday 25th October

10-11am – Registration

11am – An introduction to Marxist philosophy: “the point, however, is to change it”
11am – The Spanish Revolution: then and now

2pm – Liberté, égalité, solidarité: the struggle for LGBT rights (with Ray Goodspeed, Lesbian and Gays Support the Miners)
2pm – Marxism and Art

4pm – #JoinTheRevolution (closing remarks)

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