We had our first Freshers activity today at Heriot Watt University, a campus uni on the outskirts of Edinburgh. The Fair was on from 12-4. Two comrades turned up just before 12 and set up the stall on the grass outside. We were approaching students asking if they “want to turn the world upside down?” And if they’re “interested in revolutionary Marxism?” We handed out probably abut 50 leaflets and we sold 3 copies of the Revolution newspaper. We got talking to quite a few interested people, including someone from the SNP society! We’ll have a meeting with some of the people we met at the fair within the next week or so.
Marxist Summer Camp 2023: The lessons of the Communist International
Last weekend, comrades from across the British section of the IMT gathered for this year’s Marxist Summer Camp, themed around the Communist International. Attendees left feeling educated, energised, and ready to build the forces of Marxism.