On 13th July, Theresa May will welcome Donald Trump to Britain. Trump is anti-working class, a racist, a sexist and a bigot, and the Tories are desperate to partner with him! Whilst May grovels at his feet in the hope of a trade deal after Brexit, millions of people are suffering as a result of his xenophobic policies.

As Marxists we understand how Trump came to power and how we must defeat him. When his first state visit was announced, mass protests erupted in towns and cities across Britain at just 24-hours’ notice. There’s no doubt this made him change his mind. The working class of Britain know that the only ‘special relationship’ we share with Trump is through the Tories equally anti-working class policies and austerity. Now is the time to fight May, Trump, and the capitalist system as a whole.

Workers and youth must organize and fight against the xenophobia, austerity, and war that capitalism offers! We must fight Trump’s reactionary regime with a socialist programme that unites the working class of all countries against their own ruling class. Forward to the socialist revolution!

Join our revolutionary bloc to kick out Trump, kick out the Tories, and kick out Capitalism!

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2095638927176276/

Provisional plans: 

14:00 Assemble outside the BBC building in Portland Place

March to Trafalgar Square 

17:00 – 19:00 Rally in Trafalgar Square

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