
The Sussex Marxist society made a promising start to the new year at the Sussex University Refreshers Fair on the 21st January. From our stall we advertised a range of theoretical material, collected contact details and handed out leaflets and other information to a large number of fellow students interested in revolutionary ideas. Despite the relatively low-key nature of the event, we were able to take down the details of 25 people keen to come along to our events, many of whom attended our first Marxist Society meeting later that evening, a stimulating and informative discussion entitled ‘What would Socialism look like?’

The Sussex Marxist society has grown steadily throughout the academic year, and our regular Tuesday evening meetings consistently attract an exciting mixture of both those well versed in Marxist theory, as well as newcomers eager to learn more about socialist principles, generating excellent discussions every week. In addition our weekly on-campus book stall offers a wide array of theoretical literature. Through this we have been able to expand our reputation within the university, and hope to continue to work towards placing Marxist ideas at the forefront of the growing mood of dissatisfaction towards the treatment of both students and staff on campuses across the UK.

Our meetings involve discussion on revolutionary ideas and their relevance in the modern labour and student movement. Through these meetings we have also been able to co-ordinate more direct interventions in the workers’ struggle, such as our involvement in supporting the series of nationwide strike actions on university campuses led by Unite, Unison and UCU, and adding our voices to the on-going campaign against privatisation.

We hope to build on the successes of the last few months throughout 2014 and continue to spread the ideas of Marxism to an ever-widening base of support.

by Sussex Marxists

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