Lessons of the Lancaster Rent Strike

The Lancaster rent strike emerged during the national student movement against universities and landlords during the COVID-19 pandemic. From Newcastle to Bristol thousands of students withheld their rent, and Lancaster was a shining example of this, winning a significant victory for students. The student rent-strike began in January 2021. 1,500 Read more…

Rent strike reports

The MSF is intervening in rent strikes up and down the country. On the ground, we have been supporting and building for the strikes wholeheartedly. We have been raising our own demands (which can be found in this article) and argued for the strikes to be connected with the wider fight for free education.

The housing question in Britain: a history of struggle

We re-publish here an article written by our comrade Andy from Goldsmiths Marxists in 2017, which outlines the radical history of tenants’ struggles in Britain, from the beginning of the twentieth century onwards. While the ideologists of capitalism maintain that we have come a long way since the days of slum tenements, the reality is that poor housing conditions are an everyday experience for many workers and youth and Britain. And, with the current housing crisis pushing many students into organising rent strikes up and down the country, there’s no better time to reflect on the lessons passed down to us from the struggles of the past.

MSF Demands – Rent Strike Now!

Thousands of students are preparing the biggest rent strike for decades. Marxist societies around the country are part of this fight. Unite Students, the largest student accommodation provider in the country, has offered students a 50% rent reduction. Some universities have offered some reductions too. They can feel the pressure Read more…

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