Gaza bombing: Israel twists the knife – prepare mass resistance!

The Israeli bombing of Gaza has already killed at least 48 Palestinians – among whom 14 are children – and injured hundreds, while six Israelis have been killed by rockets fired from the Gaza Strip. The international media has once again presented the bombings as a legitimate retaliation against Hamas’ decision to fire rockets into Israel. However, as usual, they give a completely one-sided view of the real causes of this escalation of the crisis in Israel and Palestine.

Biden and BLM: Where is the USA going?

Tens of thousands of Americans are actively looking for ideas, theory, and organisation. They are thirsty for internationalism and a revolutionary optimism grounded in scientific political perspectives. The example of every revolution in history shows that even relatively small numbers of dedicated revolutionaries can have a decisive impact on events under the right circumstances.

Tell the Truth: Ireland’s Great Famine

Ultimately, this whole catastrophe occurred in order for the capitalists and landlords to increase their bottom line. In order to put an end to hunger and famine – which still afflict the world today – we must put an end to this capitalist horror show once and for all.

Tell The Truth: The Opium Wars

Among the most formidable civilisations that early capitalism had to confront in its period of ascent was China. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx listed among the key moments of capitalist development not only the conquest of the Americas and the transatlantic slave trade, but also the opening of new markets in the Indian subcontinent and East Asia. The horrors which attended capitalist domination in Asia were scarcely less than those seen in the Atlantic.

Anti-Asian racism and mass murder

On Tuesday, March 16, eight people, including six women of East Asian descent, were shot and killed at three separate spas in the Atlanta, Georgia area. The suspect, Robert Aaron Long, is a white man who had a history of frequenting Asian massage parlors, including the site of his first Read more…

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