Political developments in Britain are accelerating rapidly. The Brexit fiasco threatens to topple the government. A Corbyn government is on the cards. A period of intense class struggle is on the agenda. And all the while a new world economic slump looms on the horizon.

As Karl Marx once said: ‘Philosophers have interpreted the world, the point is to change it’. Our task is to prepare for and participate in the coming battles. They will be battles that will decide whether our future is to be one of socialism or barbarism, not just in Britain but internationally.

Join the Marxist Student Federation for our annual conference at Elvin Hall, UCL Institute of Education in London to discuss the current political situation in Britain, the struggle of workers under capitalism today, and the lessons from our revolutionary history that can guide the way forward.

Tickets will be priced as follows, in order to cover the costs of the event:

Basic ticket – £5
Ticket plus a copy of ‘In the Cause of Labour: a History of British Trade Unionism’ – £10
Ticket plus a copy of ‘Germany 1918-33: socialism or barbarism’ – £15
Ticket plus copies of both books – £20


10:00-10:30 – Registration
10:30-12:00 – Brexit, Corbyn and Crisis: fighting for socialism
12:00-13:00 – Lunch
13:00-14:30 – Work under capitalism: struggling for workers’ rights
14:30-15:00 – Break
15:00-16:30 – Rosa Luxemburg: socialism or barbarism
16:30-17:00 – Break
17:00-18:00 – Building the forces of Marxism: what next?

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