We are excited to announce the launch of this year’s Revolution Festival. With 32 amazing talks on Marxist ideas, and hundreds attending, this is the event for all those looking to get organised in the fight for revolution. Get your ticket today!

Revolution Festival is a three-day festival of Marxist ideas, hosted by Socialist Appeal and the Marxist Student Federation, taking place in London between 21-23 October.

This year’s festival will be our biggest in-person event to date, with hundreds of revolutionary activists attending from across Britain and Europe.

The weekend will include a broad range of fascinating talks and discussions on current events, history, and essential Marxist theory, including topics such as:

  • Profits vs peace: War and imperialism
  • Inflation: Where it comes from and how to fight it
  • Marxism vs. black nationalism
  • Strikes and industrial militancy: From the 1970s to today
  • Women, the family, and the Russian Revolution
  • Demagogues and dictators: What is Bonapartism?
  • Is this the end of globalisation?
  • The Chinese revolution of 1925-27 and the role of Stalinism
  • The crisis of science under capitalism
  • Italy in the 1920s: From factory occupations to fascism
  • Was the USSR communist?
  • Art, culture, and revolution

It is clear that the ruling class’ hopes of a strong recovery following the pandemic have been dashed. Soaring energy prices, continued supply chain disruptions, labour shortages, and the Ukraine war are driving inflation to levels not seen in decades.

General strikes and insurrectionary movements are cropping up all over the world – from Ecuador to Sri Lanka; Lebanon to Panama.

In Britain, a chasm is opening up between the classes. While the capitalists continue to pocket immense profits, austerity is being forced onto workers and youth, to make them pay for the crisis.

Workers are not taking this lying down, however. This summer has seen the biggest wave of strikes in decades. And with the bosses refusing to back down, we can expect this tide of militant action to swell and extend into the winter.

The energy crisis is an impending catastrophe for ordinary households and families. Millions will be plunged into fuel poverty and pushed into destitution, as bills skyrocket.

The ruling class and the apologists of capitalism have no solutions, other than to continue in their attacks on workers and the most vulnerable.

The reformists, meanwhile, falsely believe that it is possible to patch-up capitalism; to make it ‘nicer’ and ‘kinder’. But this is impossible.

Instead, the working class must take matters into its own hands, and fight to overturn this whole bankrupt system.

This requires bold leadership and a clear perspective, which only the ideas of Marxism can provide.

Marx was right. Capitalism must be overthrown. But if we are to change the world, we must first understand it.

So join us at this year’s Revolution Festival: to get armed with revolutionary ideas; to get organised; and to get involved in the struggle for socialism.

Revolution Festival 2022 will take place at Friends House on Euston Road, London, NW1 2BJ.

Spread the word about Revolution Festival on social media using the hashtags #RevFest2022 and #MarxWasRight!

Visit the festival website for the full details, programme, and timetable, or email contact@revolutionfestival.co.uk with any questions.

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