Imperial Marxist society enthusiastically intervened on the first day of the UCU strike in the Imperial College South Kensington campus.
The mood amongst the strikers was optimistic and militant. We spread ourselves across two picket lines and helped with leafleting and other organisational tasks.
Even those who had not been attending Marxist Societies before came out for the pickets with the Marxist Students.
As both a Marxist society and UCU member myself, I had conversations with the other UCU members about their experiences at Imperial. Other UCU members were interested in talking not only about the strike, but politics and philosophy in general. Workers on the picket line understand that this struggle is not separate from the general economic crisis we are seeing today.
Before the picket was wrapped up, there was an assembly. We are preparing to speak on the platform over the next week, drawing out the general crisis of capitalism and how it is linked to this struggle in particular.
Because of our successful student referendum campaign back in December, the students’ union officially supports the UCU strike and has made their premises available to the strikers. A lunchtime “teach-out” was organised by the UCU on the topic “Who runs our universities?”, which showed a will for student and worker democracy!
Imperial College Marxists