Matt Rider from the Marxist Student Federation has been elected as a delegate to the national conference of the National Union of Students from the University of Swansea. Matt’s manifesto is below. The MSF aims to win the NUS round to revolutionary socialist ideas that will fight the Tories and the rotten capitalist system they defend. That is what Ross will be going to the NUS conference to argue for.


For Free Education: Defend Corbyn, Fight For Socialism!

Higher education is facing a period of unprecedented crisis and capitalism is to blame. It is the duty of the NUS, as the collective voice of students at a national level, to fight for the liberation of its members.

That means backing Jeremy Corbyn and agitating for free, fair and inclusive education, paid for by the expropriated wealth of the bankers and bosses. The NUS must offer Corbyn our unreserved support and marshal all our resources to defend him from the Tories, the press and the right of his own party. I will do so as an NUS delegate and bring my demands to the national stage: the NUS will fail its membership if it does not back him 100%.

Education should be a common good and a human right: only a rationally planned and democratic economy can deliver free education, in every sense.

Education is a public good that should be free to all
The NUS can do more to fight for free education
An end to cuts and to the social gentrification of our university sector
Jeremy Corbyn to power in 2020 on a socialist programme: we need free education!

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