We’re excited to announce the agenda and details of the 5th annual conference of the Marxist Student federation. Everyone’s welcome so bring your friends! Please also bring £5 entry fee to help us cover the costs of the conference.


17 February 2018


Khalili Lecture Theatre, SOAS, University of London (nearest tube station is Russell Square)


10:30am – 1968: year of revolution

The year 1968 is etched into the historical memory of students and workers. From the USA to Pakistan, from Czechoslovakia to Mexico, and of course not forgetting May ’68 in France, 1968 was a year in which class struggle swept the globe and raised the political horizons of millions of workers and young people. We’ll be discussing the lessons from the great events that took place fifty years ago. Join us to discover what we can learn from the revolutionary role of students in the past, and how we can match and exceed their achievements today.

12:15pm – Lunch

1:15pm – Theory as a guide to action: report and plans of the Marxist Student Federation

In the 12 months since our last conference Marxist societies have been meeting, recruiting, campaigning, and spreading the ideas of Marxism all over the country. This year’s conference will be a chance to take stock of what we’ve achieved over the last year, and to make some plans for the next one.

3:15pm – Break

3:45pm – 100 years since the German revolution: the life and ideas of Rosa Luxemburg

In 1918 the German workers rose up against the Kaiser in an attempt to establish socialism in Germany. This magnificent movement put an end to the horrors of WWI and offered the promise of a powerful union between Soviet Russia and a Soviet Germany. This was not to be – the German workers were betrayed and the revolutionary leaders Luxemburg and Liebknecht were assassinated. Nevertheless, the life and ideas of Luxemburg provide us with lessons and inspiration for today’s revolutionary struggle. Her famous pamphlet Reform or Revolution is particularly important for class conscious students and workers to read and absorb in today’s political conditions. Join us to discuss Luxemburg and the German revolution to finish off this year’s Marxist Student conference.

5pm – Finish

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