In these talks from the Marxist Student Federation National Conference 2016 “The Road to Revolution”, revolutionaries look at what demands Marxists should be raising in the Corbyn movement and beyond.

Joe Attard of the KCL Marxist society and KCL UCU branch introduced the discussions by outlining the contradictions and crisis within the global capitalist system today.

Beatrice Papapietro from the Southampton Marxist society and Southampton UNISON discusses a socialist programme on foreign policy, examining questions such as war, the European Union, and the refugee crisis.

Jack Halinski-Fitzpatrick, the youth officer of Harrow West CLP, discusses a socialist economic programme, providing a Marxist analysis of capitalism, explaining the limitations of “Corbynomics”, and analysing the difference between reformism and revolution.

Natasha Sorrell from Sheffield Marxist society and Sheffield UCU discusses a socialist defence programme, examining questions such as Trident, the United Nations, and trade union rights for the armed forces.

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