“I am not a client, a customer, nor a service user. I am not a shirker, a scrounger, a beggar nor a thief. I am not a national insurance number…My name is Daniel Blake; I am a man, not a dog. As such, I demand my rights. I demand you treat me with respect. I, Daniel Blake, am a citizen – nothing more, nothing less.”

These powerful words by the protagonist of the film by left-wing director Ken Loach appeared on social media feeds, billboards, and even the daunting walls of the Houses of Parliament after the film, I, Daniel Blake, was released. They portray the desperation of the film’s eponymous central character in his struggle to survive and retain his dignity in the face of the grinding misery and toil of modern-day Tory Britain. But, as the movie’s hashtag #WeAreAllDanielBlake suggests, Daniel’s story, whilst fictional, is by no means unrealistic or isolated. Indeed, the most tragic part of Daniel’s tale is how ubiquitous such stories are in this age of austerity.

In the run-up to the general election the distributors of I, Daniel Blake (eOne) have set up screenings across the country. There’s no more important time to get the message out about the reality of this Tory government and the need to vote Corbyn into power on 8 June.

However, in order for these screenings to take place enough tickets have to be sold in time. With the election just 2 weeks away though, most screenings will have to meet their target by Sunday 28th May. We encourage everyone to go and see this film, and if you’ve already seen it then see it again and take a friend. The full list of screenings around the country is here and listed below. Book your tickets now!

A great review of the film can be found here.



Duke’s at Komedia (Brighton) – Monday 29 May at 21:00

Vue Gateshead Trinity Square – Friday 2 June at 19:00

Genesis Cinema (London) – Sunday 4 June at 13:00

East Dulwich Picturehouse – Sunday 4 June at 13:30

Picturehouse at FACT (Liverpool) – Monday 5 June at 18:00

Vue Gateshead Trinity Square – Monday 5 June at 19:00

Crouch End Picturehouse – Monday 5 June at 20:30

The Electric Cinema (Birmingham) – Monday 5 June at 20:50

Exeter Picturehouse – Monday 5 June at 21:00

Arts Picturehouse (Cambridge) – Monday 5 June at 21:00

Vue Glasgow Fort – Tuesday 6 June at 16:00

Savoy Cinema Nottingham – Tuesday 6 June at 18:00

The Plaza (WTW Truro) – Tuesday 6 June at 18:00

AMC Cinemas (Manchester) – Tuesday 6 June at 19:30

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