Together with Frederick Engels, Marx established the theory of scientific socialism. In this epoch of capitalist crisis, these ideas offer a revolutionary alternative to the broken status quo.Marx in a Day will provide an opportunity to discuss, explore and understand these revolutionary ideas. There will be sessions throughout the day on philosophy, history, and economics – and the relevance of Marx’s theories in helping us to fight for radical change today.

“The philosophers have interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it!”

Saturday 5th May
Venue: B404 LT2, UCL Cruciform Building, Gower Street, London

Facebook event
Full schedule and map below

Hosted by the International Marxist Tendency and the Marxist Student Federation

Speakers include:

Alan Woods, editor of In Defence of Marxism and author of a new book on Marxism
Rob Sewell, editor of Socialist Appeal and author of books on the German Revolution and the British trade unions
Fred Weston, Marxist writer and editor of

With the premiere of a new documentary film on Marx’s life in London.

Buy your ticket today!
£5 unwaged / students; £10 waged

For more info or to book your place, email

 Full schedule

All talks in room B404 LT2, UCL Cruciform Building, Gower Street.
Map below. Nearest stations: Euston Square; Warren Street; Goodge Street; Euston

10:00 – Registration

10:30 – Marxist philosophy: dialectical materialism (Alan Woods)

12:00 – Lunch

13:00 – The Marxist view of history: historical materialism (Josh Holroyd)

14:30 – Break

14:45 – Marxist economics and the crisis of capitalism (Rob Sewell)

16:15 – Marx the revolutionary (Fred Weston)

17:00 – Film showing: Marx’s life in London

18:00 – Finish

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