The resolution below was submitted by a medical student and socialist society member at the University of East Anglia for discussion at the BMA Medical Students conference in April. Its content is particularly timely given the ongoing struggle of junior doctors and the recent cuts to grants faced by student nurses. If you would like to add you name to this resolution in support of it please email


That this Conference condemns the Tory government and their ongoing attempts to undermine and privatise the NHS and resolves to fight this by:

i) Giving wholehearted support to the struggle of junior doctors against the attempts to change their contracts
ii) Building for coordinated joint industrial action between medical students, BMA, RCN, UNISON and other unions representing workers in the health sector

iii) Campaigning for the nationalisation of private healthcare providers under the democratic control of doctors, nurses and staff, and the incorporation of their resources into the NHS

iv) Fighting for an economy based upon need not private profit, in which the resources of society could be used to rebuild and expand healthcare services

Submitted by Anahita Alavi, UEA Socialist society

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